Using LVM Snapshots – CentOS Short How To

This tutorial will take you through creating an LVM snapshot. Suppose you have a NAS serving files for a company that operates 24 hours per day. There is no time you can stop the servers to run backups. Using LVM Snapshots, you can backup your company data any time of the day without the risk of file corruption or any noticeable interruption to the employees. There might be some performance degradation depending on your system specifications.

You must first have your local file-system configured with LVM2. If not, you can’t go forward with this tutorial.

Before we create the snapshot, take a look at my “/etc/fstab” below:

 /dev/mapper/vg_agix-LogVol02 /home ext4  defaults 0 0	/mnt/backup 	nfs	defaults	0 0

The above shows two mounts. The top is the “/home” directory on the server which is an LVM partition. The bottom is my remote mount point for my backups to go to. Use “vgs” command to retrieve free space on Virtual Group. You must have more free space then can be used after with lvcreate -L

VG           #PV  #LV  #SN  Attr    VSize      Vfree
mapper         3    2    0  wz--n-  120.50g    30.00g

The following commands will backup /home to the remote mount location.

 # Make sure the required directories exist
 mkdir /mnt/lvmsnapshot
 mkdir /mnt/backup

 # Mount the remote file system
 mount /mnt/backup

 # Create the snapshot facility
 lvcreate -L592M -s -n lvmsnapshot /dev/vg_agix/LogVol02 

 # Mount the snapshot
 mount -t ext4 /dev/vg_agix/lvmsnapshot /mnt/lvmsnapshot

 # Copy the data from the snapshot file system to the remote mount point
 rsync -rvp /mnt/lvmsnapshot/ /mnt/backup/

 # Unmount the snapshot
 umount /mnt/lvmsnapshot

 # Remove the snapshot facility
 lvremove -f /dev/vg_agix/lvmsnapshot

 # Unmount the remote file system
 umount /mnt/backup

At this point the backup process is complete and the LVM is back as it was before we started.


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